jeudi 30 mai 2013

3 weeks sugar free update + TIPS to stop sugar!

I'm sorry for the lack of posts these days, I have a health problem and my finals are just around the corner, so I didn't have a lot of time. But today I'm back with a 3 weeks sugar free update and a few tips to help you start the challenge.

First of all, I have to say that when I started, I really didn't know how long I was going to be able to stop sugar, and I hadn't set a date for the end of the challenge. Usually when I try to get fit or to loose weight, I'm really dedicated to it during a week of two, but afterwards I just get back into eating "normally". 
This time, it was incredibly easy! Some people say that my face looks thinner, and I know that I've lost a little bit of weight. I'm really proud of me because I really stick to it and I replaced my chocolate snacks, sugary breakfast and unhealthy meals with healthy ingredients overall. I've accumulated a few tips that might help you if you want to give it a try! 

1. Choose your path

There are several ways of stopping sugar. You can either stop it cold turkey as I did, or you can quit step by step

- Cold turkey: 
Of course, doing it cold turkey is quicker but you really have to be dedicated to it. You need motivation and information. Try to tell your family and friends that you need their support. Find healthy ways of filling your stomach when you usually eat sugar. 

- Step by step: 
You need to remove, one by one, the sugary foods that your eat. If you drink soda, cut out all kind of sugary drinks. If you eat chocolate, cut out chocolate. Of course, you don't want to cut it out all at once! You want to build your healthy eating gradually. Replace chocolate with nuts or almonds, replace soda with water or tea, etc. 

2. Replace your snacks

I think it's the most important part of the journey. You want to replace every sugary snacks that you eat with healthy foods.  Here are a few examples:

- Nuts, almonds
- Fruits (see the next tip)
- Tea or hot water
- Corn cakes (not rice cakes, they are high glycemic)
- Vegetables

3. Don't eat high glycemic fruits

I suggest to start the challenge with no fruits at all, and when you feel comfortable without sugar, eat low glycemic fruits again. It includes apples, cherries, grapefruits, straweberries, prunes, pears, etc. You can find low glycemic foods on google! 

4. Know what types of food are high glycemic

Again, finding high glycemic foods on google is really easy, but here are a few of them:
- French baguette
- White bread 
- Cornflakes
- Pumpkin
- Watermelon
- Dates
- Pineapples

Remember that if you really crave sugar, eating a high glycemic fruits or vegetable will not have the same impact on your body as chocolate or sugary snacks.

5. Start your day with a healthy breakfast

First of all, don't skip breakfast! If you eat a healthy breakfast, you'll be most likely to eat healthy during the whole day. Plus, you'll have more energy and you'll be less hungry during the day. 
Also, eating the same thing every morning helps you to be full after breakfast. You'll feel "complete" after eating it, but if you change the ingredients of your meal, you'll end up wanting more and more..
I personnaly eat oat meal with milk and cinnamon. I also like to add half and apple. I drink plenty of water when I wake up.

6. If you crave sugar, remember why you started this

I remember thinking "oh, I could eat a piece of chocolate, it will do no harm" but as soon as I realised that I would have to start all over again, I chose an apple instead. It works really well, and I don't miss sugar at all. If feel healthier, and I enjoy fruits and nuts as much as chocolate and cupcakes.

I still have other tips, but it will be it for this post.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about healthy habits, leave a comment if you want to start this challenge!

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